
New shows ... will I tune in?

The new season of The Hills starts tonight. I'll probably watch it, much to the dismay of my husband. He's not too crazy about those shows (although he won't miss an episode of the Real World/Road Rules challenges!). I get that these shows are supposed to be "reality", but they sure don't seem very real. At least not in comparison to my reality. They do make me feel better about my life though, I'll give them that! They usually end up making me angry (why deal with all that drama ... get some new friends!) and I usually quit watching well before the season ends. At least MTV gives you those marathons on the weekends so you can catch up on all that you've missed.

You can bet that I will be tuning in to the new season of American Idol. I love that show. It's my guilty pleasure. Okay, so I have more than just one guilty pleasure. Regardless, I can't get enough.

Speaking of American Idol, I heard a song on the way to Omaha (went on a little trip for work last week that took me to Omaha and Ames) and I was positive that it was Chris Daughtry. My friend, Brady, wasn't so sure. While I knew he had an album that was released, I read about it in People (another guilty pleasure), I hadn't heard any of the songs. My radio in my car is forever tuned in to the local Classic Rock station. I swear I was born in the wrong decade! Sure enough, I was right. The song is It's Not Over and it's pretty darn good. So, of course, I had to download it to my iPod. He was by far my favorite contestant on American Idol and should have won in my opinion. Although not winning has put him in a far better position ... no ties to the show anymore.

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