
Preston Took a Trip to the ER ...

As most of you know, this was not his first trip. We had that wonderful experience last winter only to find out he just needed some Benadryl.

This time he meant business.

We were playing around after we got home last night and he was jumping on the bed, just like he always does ... just like he does on the couch or anything else he can climb and jump on. He likes to "fall" on us, whether on the couch or on the bed, and that's what he did. He fell on my head but with a little more gusto than usual and smoked his head on the corner of my nightstand. I heard the awful thud and then the screaming. Sure enough, he got himself a nice little hole in his head. And we were off to the ER. By the time we got in the car he had calmed down quite a bit and was in fine form to flirt with the girl at the registration desk and then the nurses and the doctor in the ER.

He did quite well through the whole thing, letting them clean his wound and check his temp/weight/etc. First it was decided that we would glue and tape the wound. Preston was fine with that. After the doctor was done, she noticed that the wound had already started to open again. After some deliberation it was decided that it would be best to remove the glue/tape and stitch it closed.
Preston was no longer fine with this. He was ready to be done. They ended up having to "papoose" him (wrap him in a blanket and strap him down) and he did not care for that at all. There was lots of kicking and screaming. Then came the shot. This would be the point that Mom started tearing up. Once that lidocaine kicked in though it was smooth sailing. He watched quietly as the doctor stitched him up.

Three stitches total. 
He had a bit of a sleepless night last night, which is understandable. I don't think I would have slept well either. And I didn't. Nor did Dustin.

Rest assured though, it was business as usual come today. We had to get after him for climbing on the coffee table, the arm of the couch, not paying attention and running into the wall ... the list goes on and on.

... And Gets a Present From Grandma & Grandpa Bjerke

 A fun little monkey-themed gift for our little monkey.

I've been told several times that boys will be boys and no one is really all that surprised that this has happened, not even us. We knew it was just a matter of time. I just thought he would wait until well after he turned 2. 

We go to the doctor Friday afternoon to have the stitches removed.

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