
Update: Big Boy Bed

Last night was a breeze. Preston and I read our bedtime stories like we always do, this time in his bed rather than the rocking chair. He put up the usual fuss when the stories were over and it was time to go to sleep. But it lasted only a few minutes (just like every other night) and soon he was sound asleep. We didn't hear a peep out of him until about 7:45 this morning when he pushed open our door and quietly said, "Hi Daddy. Hi Mommy."

So first night in his big boy bed: SUCCESS!

I knew the real challenge would be naptime. Preston is never very interested in taking naps. Whether it's the fear of missing out on something (I know, laundry is very exciting) or the simple fact that he can't be bothered to slow down that much ... he just doesn't want to do it. When he was in his crib, he couldn't go anywhere. So he would kick and scream and eventually fall asleep.

Big boy bed is a different story. He can get in and out of this bed as he pleases and we soon found out he is just tall enough to get his door open. This afternoon proved to be interesting. We spent about an hour and a half putting him back in bed, telling him he needed to take a nap. I tried a couple stories, the promise of his favorite movie when he woke up, all to no avail. Finally ... it was quiet. Dustin and I were both afraid to go back and check on him. But finally Dustin did. He came and got me, laughing the whole time. This is what we found ...

I knew he would fall asleep eventually.


Jackie said...

That is so funny! I guess the big boy bed is just for night time!

Brad Fallon said...

Funny indeed! I have a two year old and I also found him so hard to go to sleep, I would sing his favorite nursery rhymes, would read his favorite story and I would even do a little trick of hand gestures to make hims sleep. I would gave up sometimes only to find him sleeping with his hands gesturing like mine. I love kids..