
And Now We're Four

Lillian JoAnne

7 lbs 10 oz
19 inches

Our beautiful little girl decided to make her grand entrance three days past my due date. But she sure came in a hurry! Around 9:00 Sunday morning I had my first contraction. The next one came ten minutes later and then they didn't stop. Nichole made a mad dash to our house to pick up Preston and we got to the hospital around 10:00. Lilli Jo arrived at 11:23! My heart is full and I have been blessed with this beautiful family.

Lilli Jo's First Week

Much like Preston was, Lilli Jo is quite the content little baby. She loves to eat and she loves to sleep. She gets up once during the night to eat (yes, we know how fortunate we are for that!) and as the days go by she becomes more and more alert throughout the day. I could look into her big, beautiful eyes all day long! While I know that babies don't smile I take those little gassy grins as smiles because they are so darn cute!

Preston is embracing his role of big brother and loves to give Lilli kisses and hugs. He likes to hold her so long as she doesn't start crying. Once the crying starts, he's done.  :-)

Lilli and Preston

 Sharing his books with his sister

Telling her stories

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