Two years ago, our family became complete with the addition of a beautiful baby girl.
Today, this little girl is full of sugar AND spice.
She's smart, funny, spunky, dramatic ... and cuter than any little girl should be!
We cannot imagine our lives without her and love her so much more than she will ever know!
When asked what today was, Lilli Jo's reply was "2!"
Breakfast smiles!
{I love that top photo!!}
More smiles after breakfast.
{The second one is the typical smile I get from Lilli Jo when I try to take her picture.}
Lilli Jo had a fun-filled day at daycare. There was swimming and she brought rice krispy treats - with sprinkles - to share.
She got a super-cute puppy (not real) from Abbie and Grandma Cooper (Abbie's grandma).
We took the birthday girl to Guadalajara's tonight for supper.
Taco night has become a favorite in our house. :)
She loved the chips.
Showing off her "birthday"
{Thanks Aunt Cole!}
Then there was some pouting.
I can't even tell you why. Maybe because Preston sat by her?
There was a brief tear-filled fit. That was fun.
It was soon over and we were back to smiling!
{See the tears?}
She can be quite animated!
And of course, fried ice cream!
Now we get ready for the birthday party on Saturday!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Lilli Jo!!