
30 Weeks!

Today marks 30 weeks and everything is going very well! I've been feeling pretty good and baby b is doing excellent. Kicking like crazy ... I had a friend joke that Preston was going to be the calm child. All I thought was "oh dear". If that ends up being true, we will certainly have our hands full!

The bedding arrived last weekend and I found a few paint samples. Now I just need to choose the colors and find some free time to paint!

Preston gives baby b kisses all the time now and seems to understand, somewhat, that we're having a baby. His baby is in his tummy and daddy has a baby in his tummy too. :-) If you ask him whether he's going to have a baby brother or a baby sister, he usually answers with whatever you said last. But more often than not, he's insistent that he's going to have a sister. We shall see ... just 10 more weeks until we find out!

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