
Watch Me Grow!

Lilli Jo at nine months ...

16 lbs 12 oz
25 1/2 inches

Lilli Jo is on the move and knows exactly where to find trouble.
She loves to pull herself up to a standing position and will walk with me or Dustin helping her.
She has three teeth in and two more poking through.
She loves to clap her hands and she smiles and laughs all the time. She curls up in a little ball when you tickle her under her chin or under her arms.
She'll talk up a storm, but only if her brother is not around. Seems she can't get a word in edgewise when Preston's in the room!

She's growing up so fast, it's hard to believe she's already nine months old!

Aunt Nichole has nicknamed Lilli Jo "Baby Bella" ... her incisor came in before her front teeth. Her other incisor is coming in now too (along with a front tooth, finally), so she looks like a little vampire!

Standing with Daddy's help

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